Saturday, 21-December-2024
Jabic F.
Recently, I’ve been trying to cite some niche articles while working on a project for my University Model UN Team. Something I’ve frequently come accross is the repeated lack of details on how to cite some pages I visited, despite the fact that they seem like they would be VERY citeable sources. Articles on Museum pages, for example, often have no Publishing date or Article Author, so despite certainly being credible sources the actual citation of those pages looks very sketch. So, to avoid that fate (as though I’m a source on literally anything), I’m committing1 to adding the details on how to cite the pages I post on this site at the bottom of the page. For in-world posts, there will be details on how to in-world cite them, as well as details on how to cite them IRL.
Citation details:
Author: Jabic Feser
Page Title: Citation Rant
Site Name: Jabic -
Date Published (DMY): 21/12/2024
- There’s no promises, I literally could completely forget about this tommorow and never do it again, or I might do it for every article except one. I’m not sure. ↩︎